Life is Grand!

I consider that I have nothing to complain about, not really.

I am in good health and I live in the US where we are fairly free, but the buck seems to stop there.

I graduated cum laud with two masters degrees in areas of expertise that are in semi-high demand (not anything cliche) only to be told, “Sorry, we’re out of jobs.  Check back in a few years. ”

But that’s not entirely true, I can get a job making minimum wage, fight my way up the ladder to forty maybe fifty thousand a year, seventy thousand if the odds all fall in my favor, which they never do.

But the thought of it disgusts me.  I tried it out, during college I worked full time from 5am to 4pm and went to uni from 6pm to 10pm EVERY, SINGLE, DAY, for 7 years, then I graduated cum laud with TWO Masters degrees, no easy feat.

And now I’m here.  Where?  I am here, writing this to you.  The best job I have found of late is $12 an hour for Security work, but it’s not about the money, it never was, but the thing is, I have no idea what it IS about.

During the Cold War the people of the United States were told, “We HAVE to contain the Soviet Union!”  But why?  We were not told WHY we had to contain then.  They did terrible things to the countries they took over, yes, but why was that the problem of the people of the United States?  Why didn’t Europe with their systems that are SO Much better than ours rise to the occasion?  Afterall, it’s THEIR backyard, not OURS.

The more I study history, politics, and examine just how We the People are fed these lies, put in stocks, and made to push ‘the great wheel of progress’, the more I think it’s all just made up.  All of it.

Global warming, Global cooling, Capitalism, Socialism, they’re all just theories, most of them aimed at ways of controlling the masses.

Why is it that the countries that are most free are also the most prosperous.  Don’t take my word for it, go to wikipedia, look up the freedom index and then the gdp and purchase power parity indexes and see for yourself.  Or don’t, I don’t care, I’m not your guide counselor or your teacher.

We in the US must have really good lives compared to those in the EU with their 40 days of paid holiday and their fully-paid government health-care.  I wonder, how does their government afford that?  The United States is 200% more resource rich than most of those European countries, and yet we are constantly told by the media that the US is struggling.  Where is the money going?  Is there some giant money plug that someone pulled with the money draining into someone’s accounts?

Is it true that there are people in the United States so rich that they have become Kings?  Untouchable by the rules and regulates that govern We the People in the middle and lower classes?  So we have Kings now?  The United States, the former Republic to which it has fallen, one nation divide by wealth, divisible by the account numbers assigned by bankers.

It’s reverse auschwitz, only this time it’s those with the numbers who are the guards and the rest of us who are being led along to the slaughter.  Think about it.  How many people do you know who have lost their homes, their valuables, their mode of transportation?

It’s not physical slaughter, it’s more subtle than that.  It’s slaughter of our livelihood.  It’s not some great conspiracy, it’s much more simple than that.  I am a super-rich person with an army of investment bankers, stock-brokers, and ex-military spec-ops guards.   Essentially, I am untouchable, unassailable by any except God or His rival.  I lose a lot of money when some very large banks fail, so I make a call.  I say, “YOU WILL GET ME MY MONEY BACK AND THEN DOUBLE IT, OR ELSE.”  And so my bidding is done, because afterall, everyone works for me.

Here’s a little tid-bit that I learned.  If you draw a line from the old-moneyed elites, the aristocracy in Europe, and trace the linage from there to today, most of the same people have similar amounts of money.  Nothing has changed, we are still ruled by an aristocracy, but it’s simply hidden away now, more subtle, and of course they, even the old-moneyed elites have to compete with others in institutions like Harvard, or else simply pay their way through.

Don’t believe me?  For your reference:  Buy it, Pirate it, he wont care, he did it for the fame, not the money.  A movie by the heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune.

Wealth and Democracy
Oh and there are more and more and more, so many that you could get a Ph.D simply in tracing money from the aristocratic wealthy in Europe through to today.